HUD by Marko «
Leko - Top-1 NL200 winner on PokerStars. Marko shows oustanding 9+ EV bb/100 win rates on mid-stakes playing with this HUD and using popups for off-table analysis.
The most powerful tool for exploiting your metagame.
Smart Research is a professional popup set designed to analyze pool trends and also for players who want to analyze their own game.
In this HUD we have displayed a major part of GTO on the preflop and how our opponents deviate from it, as well as tried to stress the main leaks of the player pool.
The CRC features over 7,500 detailed range composition stats, each alongside the Nash frequency. Analyze exactly how your opponents play, or fix your leaks in hundreds of spots.
Advanced positional and bet sizing stats. Stats separated against fish and regs. Flash/Nitro HUD and GTO stats included! Works with Winamax Playground*. Fully customizable.
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